by lulumum

Vitamix Coupon Code

Recently, I got a vitamix blender and just love it so much I decided to request a coupon code that I could share with my readers. Shipping to Canada especially can be quite pricey and the blender is really heavy so I'm glad this code works for both US and Canada. I'll be using it to buy all the accessories I held off on getting initially. I had to make the treck to the US a few weeks ago to get mine as there aren't any retailers near me that sell this blender. 

So far, my favourite thing to make is my own almond milk. There is a huge difference between store purchased almond milk and home made. Mainly, you can control the consistency of it so you get a 1% milk consistency all the way to the thickness of half and half cream. Store purchased almond milk is devoid of any real flavour, isn't as sweet as homemade until its sweetened with cane sugar or whatever else they use, and is filled with ingredients that bulk it up in order to get a consistency that feels similar to 1% milk. The only ingredients in my almond milk are almonds and water or a sometimes I throw in cashews or walnuts for a different flavour. It is seriously creamy when mixed into coffee and makes all the difference in the world for me in my efforts to avoid dairy.

I'm going to be writing a review soon on the vitamix I got along with all the great recipes I've made (ice cream!) and I'll post the coupon code there as well.

If you decide to order one, please send me an email and let me know. 



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